SCGR Profile

Sino-Corporation Golden Road is committed to building a comprehensive online and offline integrated transnational service platform, providing comprehensive services for economic and trade cooperation between China and the Arab region and countries along the 'Belt and Road' in the form of self-employed trade, supply chain services, port operations, cultural communications, and financial investment, etc. In addition, SCGR actively assists the promotion and dissemination of Chinese brands and Chinese culture and values in countries along the 'Belt and Road', and provides innovative publicity and communication channels for exchanges between China and countries along the 'Belt and Road'.
In the future, SCGR will continue to strengthen the coordination of domestic and international market resources, use its own comprehensive service platform to enhance resource allocation capabilities, and increase its global influence on the allocation of funds, information, technology, talents, goods and other factors, effectively help the enterprises along the 'Belt and Road' to truly integrate into the industrial ecology, and realize the national development strategy of domestic and international dual circulation. On this basis, SCGR will unite the political, academic, business, scientific and technological circles, and the media circles of the countries along the 'Belt and Road' to increase connections and exchanges among all parties, and build an efficient and pragmatic comprehensive platform for transnational economic exchange, technology transfer, and cultural communications. The service platform provides a strong boost for the promotion of bidirectional development of industrial economy, economic and trade construction and cultural exchange and form extensive influence at home and abroad.

Constructing a multinational service platform

With the help of Internet technology, SCGR aims to reshape the economic structure and competition pattern of the countries along the “Belt and Road”, continuously promote the digital upgrade of the “Belt and Road” enterprise comprehensive service platform, and construct an efficient and pragmatic comprehensive online and offline integrated transnational service platform to provide services for economic and trade cooperation for China and countries along the “Belt and Road”.
At present, SCGR has started to build a "1+N" industrial Internet platform to serve enterprises along the “Belt and Road”, providing a full range of online services including supply chain ERP, logistics management, e-commerce, financial technology, equity investment, etc., empowering the industrial ecology with technology, and promote the economic and social development of the relevant countries.

Promoting bidirectional industrial development

SCGR is aiming at building various leading industrial clusters including electronic information, science and technology finance, biomedicine, innovation economy, intellectual property, talent and technology support, incubation carrier, etc., and building a new type of industrial ecosystem and innovative ecological chain, providing domestic enterprises a faster and more efficient channel and globalization platform to strengthen their ties with the business community, investment community, universities and research institutions in countries along the "Belt and Road", the Arab, European and American regions.

At the same time, SCGR also hosts various summits, thematic investment exhibitions and expositions to achieve the purpose of matching and introducing key projects at home and abroad, promoting local brands to oversea market, and promoting the exchange and cooperation among domestic regions and enterprises, Arab regions and countries along the "Belt and Road" in various fields such as capital import, scientific and technological achievements exchanges, culture, medical care, talents and trade cooperation.

In the future, under the guidance of the government departments of Chongqing Liangjiang New Area, SCGR will strive to promote the complementary resources and multi-disciplinary cooperation between Chongqing and other regions in China and countries along the "Belt and Road". SCGR will make unremitting efforts to build an international platform that is "led by government agencies and enterprises, operated by market and participated by society".